The left image highlights all loops in blue. Write an instruction for the AI to mark the same loops on the right image.
The AI's results on the right must exactly match the left to pass the level.
An example instruction is pre-filled when you first start the game. Click "Run" to pass Level 1.
After running, you'll see the message sent to the AI and its response below.
"$INPUT" in the instruction is replaced with the list of all edges from the image.
Edges within the last "<result></result>" tags in the AI's response will be marked in blue.
From Level 4 onward, you cannot alter the input instruction and must reuse the same command. Try to create an instruction that clears the most levels!
Leaderboard (After Level 4, you can submit your result, which will display your name and levels passed. You can opt to share your solution.)
Author: Hypercube
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